Biorevitalization is an aesthetic treatment method that aims to eliminate moisture loss in the skin and to provide the skin with a young and healthy appearance. This treatment aims to provide deep moisturizing and skin regeneration by injecting natural substances such as hyaluronic acid into the skin.
Biorevitalization treatment is especially preferred to reduce wrinkles, fine lines and loss of elasticity in the skin that appear with the aging process. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring component of the skin and provides moisture retention to the skin. With this treatment, hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin to restore the moisture balance of the skin and provide a younger, brighter appearance.
Biorevitalization treatment is usually a short and quick procedure. Before the procedure, anesthetic cream can be applied on the skin or local anesthesia can be used. Next, hyaluronic acid injection is performed. The injection is done using fine-tipped needles and the procedure time usually ranges from 15 to 30 minutes.
After treatment, there may be a slight swelling, redness or tenderness on the skin. However, these side effects usually go away on their own in a short time. Within a few days, the moisturizing effect on the skin becomes noticeable and the results become more pronounced over time. The effects of biorevitalization therapy usually last between 4 and 6 months, but can vary from person to person.
Biorevitalization treatment is preferred by many people because it is a natural and safe method. The fact that hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the skin keeps the risk of allergic reactions minimal. However, as with any medical procedure, it is important to consult a specialist before having this treatment. Your specialist will determine the most suitable treatment plan for you by evaluating your skin structure and listening to your needs.
As a result, biorevitalization treatment is an effective aesthetic treatment method that aims to rejuvenate the skin and gain a healthy appearance by eliminating moisture loss in the skin.